Middle View – Not the Left, nor the Right, but in the middle, ideally with Common Sense and Fairness

Timeline – Taylor Lorenz

2022-Mar-29 - During an interview about doxxing Tayor Lorenz broke down when it now appears, people started doing to her, what she does regularly to others.

Taylor Lorenz, at this writing, is back in the news again.  Off Twitter, than back on again.   Her antics are somewhat amusing to watch.   Her recent 15 minutes of fame, Mar/Apr-2022, is when she started doxxing the Libs of Tik Tok creator.  Libs of Tik Tok is basically an aggregator of publicly available videos from social media.   This doxing behavior seems to have brought her heightened scrutiny in her niche of journalism.

Taylor, in a non-journalistic moment no doubt, revealed the previously anonymous woman’s, name, occupation, religion, and where about she lived.   It also included a hyperlink that exposed the woman’s work address.  But as the public outcry grew, the Jeff Bezo’s newspaper, the Washington Post later removed this link.  But the original article can be found here.

Then around March 29, 2022 Taylor went on MSNBC to complain about suffering from PTSD. This to me was her 15 minutes of fame and will most likely be what she is remembered for.  Move forward to Sep-13 and Taylor is stating that Morgan Radford, the interviewer, mistreated her.


2022-Mar-29 Taylor's Big Interview

2022-Mar-29 Taylor Lorenz, after doxxing a fellow woman, for collecting publicly available videos, declares that she is suffering from PTSD from the media outcry.  Four days after the airing of this segment Taylor roasted MSNBC stating that MSNBC “F—-d Up Royally”.

Taylor's Timeline

Table of Contents

2022-Jun-17 NBC publishes an opinion piece on why Taylor Lorenz's Doxxing is justified.

2022-Jun-17 An NBC opinion piece by Kara Alaimo, a writer who focuses on "social media issues that affect women." Alaimo kicked off the piece by noting Lorenz "came under fire for revealing the identity of a woman who has been cowering behind her computer screen to share anti-LGBTQ content anonymously." But once again, the Libs of Tik Tok creator, is basically just an agreggator of publicly available content. How can the content be anti-LGBTQ if it is originally posted by an LGBTQ person?

2022-Apr-26 Tim Poole and Jeremy Boreing with a 15 minute ad in Times Square

2022-Apr-26 The Washington Post and Taylor Lorenz Doxxed @libsoftiktok They included a link to private work details and an address listed as Libs' private home. They lied about it so I got an ad in Times Square calling them out. Thanks to @JeremyDBoreing for the assist pic.twitter.com/mIupTc2rZ6 — Tim Pool (@Timcast) April 26, 2022

A Collection of Media Articles, about, and by Taylor Lorenz

What follows are just some of the articles relating to the subject of this timeline.  I can and may add more when some event inspires me to.

Taylor's Tweets