Kamala Harris, now Vice President of the United States started her legal career in the San Fransisco Bay area.
Kamala Harris's Noteworth Events
2022-Jan-13 Time to do what we have to do
VP Harris was being interviewed and was asked about Broadband. Her answer was straight and to the point. Things take time covers it.
2022-Sep-11 Kamala, in an interview with MSNBC's Chuck Todd,
In an interview with Chuck Todd interviewing America’s Border Czar, Kamala basically states, that the problems can be traced to Donald Trump’s handling of the border.
2022-July-26 -Kamala announces her gender and pronouns for America
With many American’s being concerned about their respective pronouns, and possibly their gender, Kamala Harris announces her. Presumably for any blind people listening, she also stated the color of her dress.
2022-Jul-11 VP Harris gives thanks to Joe Biden
2021-May-1 President Biden appoints Harris to chair America's National Space Council
2022-May-1, Politico reported on VP Harris being appointed to head America's National Space Council. This is in addition to her role as America's Border Czar.
2021-Mar-24 Biden appoint Kamala America's new Border Czar
President Biden, Mar 24, 2021, appoints VP Harris to the role of Border Czar. He basically states this allows her Carte Blanche, to move forward as necessary to manage the border.
2020-Aug-27 Stephen Colbert Interview - Protests/Riots are good, and should not stop
During a Colbert Interview, states he knows that protests are happening in cities across the US. But he is just not seeing any reporting of them. Kamala responds exuberantly stating yes, and they should not stop.
It would take Jan 6th to occur before a number of Democrat politicians start to shy away from protests.
2020-Aug-12 Joe Biden, based on his key requirements, picks a VP Canididate from from 4 women.
Joe Biden needed a VP running mate and he made his key requirements known. Woman, and a person of color, (POC), preferably black. Mainstream news organizations still circulated names like Gretchen Whitmer and Elizabeth Warren. Both are pasty white. Only Warren might have a chance, but now she is a former Native American, so on to the candidates.
Karen Bass, issues include her early infatuation with Fidel Castro's governing methods. But these days, who knows where Biden is headed.
Kamala Harris, probably a safe pick for Biden.
Keisha Bottoms, mayor of the city of Atlanta, Geogia
Val Demmings, in her second term as a Florida House Rep.
2020-Jul-03 Wikipedia History Revamped in Prep for a Possible running mate announcement.
With democrat nominee Joe Biden in search of a VP running-mate. Kamala Harris’s wikipedia page goes thru extensive edits in an attempt to market Kamala, and maybe erase information that could be detrimental.
2022-Jul-03 With candidate Joe Biden soon to make a decision on his VP running mate,. Kamala Harris Loyalist's over the course of several days made a few hundred changes to Kamala Harris's Wikipedia page to remove what might be damaging, and to embellish what might be helpful to her cause.
2020-Jun-01 Kamala posts that the MnFreedomFund needs bail money to free rioters
Minneapolis was a city hard hit, or blessed, depending on your point of view, with protests and riots. Kamala, every mindful of the advantage this might give the Dems in Nov-2020, pushed for bail money donations.
2020-May-29 A housing, mix used building in Minneopolis goes up in smoke.
2019-Jul-31 Tulsi Gabbard pushes Kamala on her prosecution record
During the early debates for the 2020 election, Tulsi Gabbard called out Kamala Harris on her stats regarding locking certain segments of society up.
But really, given the majority she prosecuted successfully wasn’t an issue. Given the plethora of cases presented to her, the hard part might have been deciding which cases to prosecute, and which to let go.
2019-Jan-29 Was Kamala perhaps to quick on the draw regarding the Jessie Smollett incident?
Was Kamala too quick to judge? Another hasty decision? Jussie Smollett was later convicted of fabricating the story.
An early twitter post by Jessie Smollett.
2003 SF Gate Article - Willy Brown, Free BMWs, Part Time Jobs, and Mentoring
Harris 29, her new boyfriend, Willy Brown, 60, met in 1994 and as described by Herb Caen, going steady in March 94.. Okay. The #MeToo movement is still years in the future. And who benefits from this relationship?
Kamala and Willy were the talk of the town during Willy Brown’s mayorial election. He even gave her a new 94-BMW.
SfWeekly – Aside from handing her an expensive BMW, Brown appointed her to two patronage positions in state government that paid handsomely — more than $400,000 over five years. In 1994, she took a six-month leave of absence from her Alameda County job to join the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board. Brown then appointed her to the California Medical Assistance Commission, where she served until 1998, attending two evening meetings a month, 1-2 hours, for a $99,000 annual salary.
Her attendance at these meetings was reported to be spotty.
Kamala Harris from a 2003 SfWeekly article. The article, since deleted, can still be found at the Wayback archives.
1994-Mar San Francisco columnist Herb Caen described Willy and Kamala as going steady in a March 1994 column.