Did President Trump pick the wrong country to stop the flow of Foreign Aid to? Ukraine is supported strongly by many Democrats. Nancy Pelosi’s, John Kerry, and Joe Biden have children that have worked in Ukraine at one time or another.
Most famous of these employments is Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, VP, son.
mike.editor@midpush.com 191220, updated 191221
On July 25th, 2019, President Trump had a phone call with the President of Ukraine, Volodymr Zelensky. In that call President Trump reportedly attempted to coerce the Ukrainian President to conduct an investigation into Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden.
One of Trump’s campaign issues was to reduce America’s outflow of Foreign Aid.
A big question looming is this a real attempt at keeping government clean, or just an opportunity for a DNC/CIA inspired coup?
The players all have strong political leanings.
Early Years
Eric Ciaramella graduated from Yale University in 2008 as a Russian and East European Studies Major. He is fluent in Russian, Ukrainian, and Arabic.
After working at the World Bank he joined the CIA. In the last few years of the Obama administration he was assigned to the White House where he worked with Joe Biden as an expert on Ukraine.

From the 7/25 Call to the Intel Committee in a Page
CIA Employment before White House work
Eric Ciaramella was a CIA officer who specialized in Russia and Ukraine at the National Security Council under Susan Rice in 2015.
Later in the Obama Administration he worked for Joe Biden on Ukraine and was even invited to a Oct 16, 2016 gala featuring a short list of political talent, a prestigious invitation for a GS-13 employee.
Steve Bannon, fired by Trump in Aug/2017, stated he had worked to get Ciaramella out of the NSC. Ciaramella was thought to be responsible for leaking Call Transcripts between Trump and the leaders of Mexico and Australia to the media.
In June of 2017, then National Security Advisor, HR McMaster, appointed Ciaramella to be his personal aide. At the time many questioned his appointment as he was a Susan Rice and Obama ally.
McMaster a strong proponent of Obama holdovers, was asked to leave in April/2018 for not preventing leaks.
Did Alexander Vindeman tip Ciaramella?
Although not on the fabled call itself, Eric was most likely tipped off by another Ukraine expert Col Vindman.
Vindman’s parents are from Ukraine and one might say he holds some allegiance to their country of origin. The question is how much?
Security Clearances are based on a need to know. Did Vindman believe his CIA friend, Eric Ciaramella had a need to know?
After the receiving information on the Call, the Whistle Blower appears to have contacted Mark Zaid, an attorney, and members of Adam Schiff’s staff. Two of the members of Adam Schiffs staff Eric Ciaramella knew already from a prior job at the NSC. There he worked with both Sean Misko and Abilgail Grace.
Washington DC is a small world.
Is the CIA still trying to steer the Titanic?
The Washington Examiner reported Sean Misko and Abigail Grace were hired by Adam Schiff to investigate Trump. They both worked with Ciaramella during Obama and Trump Administrations.

Whistleblower Law
The Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989 is a law that protects federal government employees in the United States from retaliatory action for voluntarily disclosing information about dishonest or illegal activities occurring in a government organization.
However, it has not been tested at the Supreme Court. Issues with the law include the 6th Amendment, under the Bill of Rights, “to be confronted with the witnesses against him“.
Other Progressive Heroes

Trump has had serious security issues. He does not run a tight ship. Even back in the Omarosa days where smartphones were being brought into SCIFs and recordings made there have been issues. And do all those people really need to be on the calls? Since this event Trump has reduced the listener count to lower levels.
Lt Col Vindman appears to have breached his security agreement. With his heritage from the Ukraine, he may have a serious Dual Allegiance issue. However with Impeachment in play, not much will be done. James Comey on Dec 15, 2019, basically agreed with the Horowitz Report stating there were problems with the Intel agencies poking into Trumps campaign startup. More will be written on this. The FISA court has stated the FBI needs to clean up it’s act.
Eric Ciaramella is a partisan gopher of sorts, walking data gleaned by Vindman, and taking it to Adam Schiff. Adam Schiff’s Mueller Report predictions have not played out. James Comey on Dec 15 confessed that the FBI had some dirty dealings at the start of the Trump Presidency, in a way shaping Trumps opinion of America’s Intel agencies. Eric Ciaramella is not a traitor, and not a patriot, he is a partisan Sycophant willing to do anything to please the Democratic Leadership. He is an opportunist, who saw an opportunity, smelled blood, and engaged. The CIA is setting a poor example keeping him employed.
My recommendation, Eric Ciaramella needs to be transferred to the Department of Education, or Agriculture, or other non-de script Federal Agency. He makes a mockery of the CIA.
Vindman did not follow Whistle Blower guidelines. His Security Clearance should be revoked.
Would the Supreme Court find the Whistle Blower Law, constitutional in light of the 6th Amendment?
Scott Ritter's, UN Weapons Inspectors Take
“Scott Ritter, former UN weapons Investor was asked what an alternative classification to “whistleblower” might be:
I do believe the whistle blower is a fact witness and therefore must be held accountable, brought forward, must be named. And have motive examined because once you pair this out you realize that motive here is not legitimate concern for the National Security Of The United States – the motive here is to continue a process of undermining the duly elected president of the United States. […]
“If you take everything he has done as legitimate… I have a different term for him, which is “traitor”. This is a man who has committed treason, […] violated the law, […], violated his oath, this is a man who has conspired to undermine the sitting president of the United States for political purposes, not in defence of the constitution, not in defence of the rule of law. And that’s why I think it’s imperative that he be brought forward. I don’t take this position as someone who’s just in support of Trump. I’m not. What I am supportive of, though, is the ability of a chief executive to carry out the functions accorded to him by the constitution of the United States without interference from the intelligence community. I’m very concerned about an intelligence community that operates without any limitations, and which has allowed itself to become politicized to the point that it’s acting to the detriment of the security of the United States.”
- PDF Report-190812-Whistle Blower Letter to Adam Schiff
- Article-190927-FactCheck.org
- Article-Whistleblower Eric Ciaramella: Is this the best they've got?
- Article-We will get rid of him: Mark Zaid Tweets
- Article-190803-Transcripts of Trumps calls with Mexico and Australia(suspected leaker Eric Ciaramella)
- Article-191111-Saw Everything, Ciaramella had extensive access to the White House
- Article-191118-Steve Bannon Tried to Boot Alleged Whistle Blower from the White House