On September 24, 2019, Nancy Pelosi gave a speech where she stated she was launching Impeachment Proceedings against Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States. She did this one day before the Transcript from a fabled phone call was released. The timing was odd, but, game on?
A key to all of this is Russia and Ukraine have been in a conflict. Since Hillary sided with Ukraine in 2012, the Russians would do anything to not have her elected. Trump, who as a simple business man, was trying to build hotels everywhere including Russia. Trump in some sense was the beneficiary of Russia’s hatred for Hillary. Reportedly if you believe the news, millions of Facebook Zombie user’s were forced to vote for Trump because of subliminal mind control.
So jumping on to the WayBack machine, here we go:
We can recall a time back in December of 1998, when President Clinton was being impeached, and Pelosi implored the Republicans to not use hatred, but instead use fairness. A video of this follows. Perhaps she should listen to this again?
Just replace the words “Republicans” with “Democrats”. And “Clinton” with “Trump”. You get the idea.
After the Mueller Investigation failed to find anything of substance. Democrats have continued to see ways to not prevent a possible re-election of Trump in 2020. Chairman Nadler has been having informal impeachment heaings in an attempt to find traction for his Quest.
Democrats have stated Trump’s verbal tissy fits amounted to an obstruction of justice.
Chairman Nadler, also gave a speech in 1998 regarding his opposition to Impeachment, listen, and switch the names in your head.
The Democrats themselves have many recent incidents of engaging in Opposition Research that has gone on for years, but now, because of Trump, if you look back at it it doesn’t look good. It is as if the rules are being rewritten before our very eyes.
In Jan 11, 2017 Politico reported that the Democratic National Commitee (DNC) had paid a Ukrainian resident, Alexandra Chalupa, $412,000, to perform opposition research. Her key finds were Paul Manafort for example. When Trump started to surge in 2015, her research was highly sought by the DNC. (Remember Ukraine was Pro-Hillary, anti-Trump) Chalupa denied being an opposition researcher instead stating she was paid the money by the DNC for being a “Ethic Engagement Program?”, CNN reported. Does the DNC really pay hundreds of thousand of dollars in far off countries for “Ethnic Engagement”? You decide….
In March of 2016 Joe Biden, the Vice President at the time, was captured in a video bragging about withholding funds from Ukraine unless they changed out a prosecutor, who was investigating his son, Hunter Biden. American Politicians have always tried to ask for something in exchange for aid.
Biden in 2016 on what he told Ukraine: “I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money’”
Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, appears to play a part in all of this.
- Hunter Biden was discharged from the Navy for Cocaine Use in Feb-2014.
- Hunter Biden married, and later divorced his deceased brothers wife. (not pertinent, but good gossip)
- In Dec of 2013, Hunter Biden flew with his father, On “Air Force Two”, to China, where he made a $1.5B deal with a Chinese Communist Government Bank. It’s a long flight from DC to China and Joe Biden has stated, “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,”.
- Hunter Biden’s company, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, received regular transfers of $166K a month, from Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma. This was when President Obama had ceded handling of Ukraine to Hunter Biden’s father, Joe Biden.
What if Baron Trump, the 13th year old of Donald Trump, get’s a $50K/month job with a Saudi oil company for part time work. And then swings a $1.5B deal with a Chinese Government Bank. And then decides to go soft on China Trade (to the detriment of the American Worker), and the South China Sea takeover. Would the Democrats be upset? To be fair, people need to try switching the players and re-examining scenarios.
Sept 25, 2019, Elizabeth Warren, running against Joe Biden in the Democratic Primaries, is asked whether she would allow her Vice Presidents child to serve on a foreign board.
Is she open to all dealings with foreign officials being open text and available for all?
A bit flustered she appears to say no. But it’s okay under Obama. Time to check with her “handlers” about this deep question?
In closing, Trump is a slow learner. Both sides attempt to glean opposition research on the other side. Politics is a dirty business. Being able to convince your side that your clean and pious is the name of the game. If you examine the Democrats history of working with other governments for research, it could be stated they are much worse. But what if you expose the “truth”, ouch! If somebody considers that the wrong truth, watch out! Hopefully, Trump in defending himself, is not forced to pull transcripts from prior administration to show their dealings with foreign governments.
That would not be good for America.