This weeks Whiner of the Week is Susan Buchanan, a Trustee at the Village of Oak Parks Board of Health. The incident deserving of further review involved a Oct 7th meeting where she confronted her fellow white, male, commission members. By basically saying their views didn’t matter because they were, er, White Males.
This incident was reported in West Cook News and included some video footage of accusing her fellow members of being white. It was also reported in the Blaze.
Speaking to Oak Park Mayor Anan Abu-Taleb, a Palestinian immigrant, Buchanan said “Your skin is light enough. Stop it!“. He is a few shades darker then the other board members, but Susan grouped him in with the pasty white men.
Fellow Trustee stated, Dan Moroney replying to Susan Buchanan, “I think if we reduce these conversations to ‘nobody cares because you are a white male,’ I don’t think we’re doing this right,“.
The following video explains the jist of this weeks pick. It starts with Mayor Anan Abu-Taleb, a Palestinian immigrant, talking to Dan Moroney. Susan Buchanan explodes a bit and goes on a diatribe for a bit. In closing she accuses Anan Abu-Taleb of being white enough.
In Closing
Some might say Susan is right, these two men can’t possibly get it. But she appears to be a pasty white woman of privilege, the Mayor, a Palestinian immigrant has probably had a rougher time in life then she ever did.
Today’s Racism is about how many points you get. Obviously the old school White Male is at the bottom of today’s social ladder and is incapable of thought. A white woman appears to be a notch above that. But it appears, to me, that a Palestinian Immigrant has rights over a white woman in our new Woke way of thinking.
Just my perception on where things are headed.
But Susan Buchanan, a woman of privilege, should restrain her emotions. Susan Buchanan is an MD, M.P.H and was elected to the board in April of 2019.