updated 221212 with Pelosi’s support of 2011 WI capitol takeover
Nancy Pelosi is presently on her second pass as Speaker of the House. Her first session ran from 2007 to 2011. Her second session started in 2019 and is presently running.
Her legacy from this period of time will be one of many Showcase bills being passed by the House, but, very little public law being put forth.
Given the House is controlled by Democrats, and the Senate is controlled by the Republicans, only the necessities so to speak have made its way thru both chambers.
Reported by many news sites, that Nancy Pelosi summoned priests to rid her home of evil spirits after a man attacked her husband, Paul Pelosi, in their home. Exorcisms, nominally have been directed towards exorcising demons from people, not structures. But I am sure this Exorcism helped to reassure Nancy Pelosi.
Alexandra Pelosi’s, one of Pelosi’s daughters, told Maureen Dowd, “I think that weighed really heavy on her soul. I think she felt really guilty. I think that really broke her. Over Thanksgiving, she had priests coming, trying to have an exorcism of the house and having prayer services.”
Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone announced on 20-May-2022, that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi should not be admitted to Holy Communion in the Archdiocese of San Francisco, nor should she present herself to receive the Eucharist, until she publicly repudiates her support for abortion.
2022-Jul-05 A visit to Andrea Bocelli's Beach Resort for some much deserved R&R.
Over the fourth of July holiday Nancy was seen visiting Andrea Bocelli’s beach resort. Pelosi, one of the Democrats best fund raisers, seems to have magical powers to extract money from the executives that run America’s large corporations.
Nancy with family strolling a beach in Italy.
2020-Jul Nancy working the media to pass the CARES act.
At the end of July some of the provisions of the CARES package expired, in particular the above average $600/wk un-employment insurance that many people depend on. With COVID still growing, many restaurants, hotels, and travel related industries are still impacted.
Nancy in this first video fights with PBS’s Judy Woodruff, in effect, treating PBS like a right wing news site.
Initially Pelosi’s HEROES act was about $3T, then it grew to $4T. She is tossing $1T around as if she is ordering cheeseburgers at McDonald’s.
Does Nancy Pelosi have a concept on how much she wants to spend.
The Federal budget deficit has grown dramatically. (usdebtclock.org).
2020-Jul - Statues Torn Down - "People Do What They Do"
Here Nancy is discussing the Statues being forcibly removed from a number of cities and towns. She states, rightly, that a community can decide what they wish, but a reporter asks if it is appropriate to have vandals pull it down rather than city council, her reply, “People do what they do”. Is this a green light for more violence?
In Baltimore, rioters toppled the Christopher Columbus statue that has stood in the Inner Harbor area.
At some point you have to ask why we even have statues. No statue will please everyone.
2020-Jun - George Floyd's Protests - She can't remember who he is?
Starting in late May, after the George Floyd death while restrained by the Minneapolis Police Department, numerous politicians withheld commenting on the specifics. But she stated she supported naming the bill after George Kirby. Hmm, not George Floyd?
Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi’s counterpart in the Senate even had a bit of trouble remember George Floyd’s name in his speech to the camera.
Given the media buzz, the two most powerful Democrat politicians, who are tripping over each other to be the most Woke, but each cannot remember George Floyd’s name.
2020-Apr - Impeachment going strong in the Senate. Covid-19 is still brewing, but the bills are packed with Pelosi dream items.
Nancy did a nice interview with Late Show host James Corden. She showed off the pantry in one of her homes and showing her favorite, mail order Ice Cream.
We were glad to see Dove Bars in her one of her $20K refrigerators and not any of the soon to be defunct Eskimo bars.
She also discussed her love for chocolate.
A nice personal touch.
Covid-19 is hitting America hard. Congress is struggling to get a package out. In the end, the package is full of interesting goodies totally unrelated to the problem at hand. All of which are find and good. But who will pay? Certainly not Pelosi and her millionaire husband.
Gavin Newsom said it best, “Absolutely we see this an opportunity to reshape the way we do business and govern”.
In the following video Nancy, and others, some of the things to push forward on as it’s a good time to.
2020-Feb - Impeachment going strong in the Senate. Covid-19 is still brewing, but nobody is minding the store.
Feb 24, 2020, as what was called the Wuhan Virus, as it is alleged to have first appeared there, was starting to create a stir with advancing numbers, Nancy Pelosi encouraged people to come to Chinatown in San Francisco.
Feb 4, 2020, President Trump gives a State of the Union speech in the House chamber. On Jan 31 he had instituted a Covid-19 travel ban that was received as racist by some Democrats. Pelosi tears up his speech in a fit of rage.
200204-House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi rips up Trump's State of the Union Speech.
2020-Jan - Impeachment going strong in the house. Covid-19 is brewing, but nobody is minding the store.
Dec/2019 - Impeachment going strong in the house.
During December of 2019 Nancy Pelosi led her team of representatives Adam Schiff was the brains behind the Impeach hearings, but she was finally backing the left wing of her party to go forth.
The following short video shows two speeches given on the same day to two separate crowds where she airs her feelings.
The Democrats appear, in hindsight, to have been invested in Impeachment for the past 2 1/2 years. The following short video has Pelosi describing how much work they have put into impeachment, 2 1/2 years.
The media had accused her moving too swiftly, but hints that this is part of their plan.
On Dec 19th Pelosi was answering the media that she was playing games by holding on to the Articles of Impeachment.
This short video shows her firing back on why they are holding on to the Articles.
Her goal of course was to have an impact on shaping the trial in the Senate.
The Press questions the Pelosi here about why she might “hate” the President. She fires back, that as a Catholic, she doesn’t hate anybody.
2011-Feb-17 Pelosi sends her support to the rioters storming the Wisconsin Capital Building
In 2011, Wisconsin public sector union, upset with a bill being proposed by the governor, took matters into their own hands and the 2011 Wisconsin Capital Occupation was on. On the 4th day of the protest, the protesters totally occupied the Wisconsin State Capitol.
Why did Nancy Pelosi support this capital occupation and not the January 6th protesters? Was it become it was too close to home?
2011-Feb-17 Pelosi sends her tweet of solidarity with the unionists storming the Wisconsin Capital Building.
2011-Mar-09 20 days after her first tween, Pelosi sends another tweet of solidarity with the unionists storming the Wisconsin Capital Building.
2011-Feb-18 Protestors crowd the State capitol building as members of the Wisconsin state government discuss the proposed bill by Republican Governor Scott Walker in Madison, Wisconsin, The proposal by Walker to curb the bargaining rights of public unions in order to make immediate budget savings has sparked outrage among union workers in the state. REUTERS/Darren Hauck
1998 - Clinton Impeachment
Nancy Pelosi in 1998 during the Clinton Impeachment. She denounces the Republican’s hatred for President Clinton. She describes this hatred as causing the Impeachment. Hatred is not a reason to impeach.