Like a lot of people, I watched the September 27, 2018 Senate Judicial hearing where Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh testified.
In general, I found Christine Blasey Ford to be a very believable witness for her behalf. But credibility is a higher standard for me. Was Christine Blasey Ford testimony credible?
Listening to the radio, many woman would call in saying they had been assaulted, so they to, would believe Christine.
So, I began to do some research. Since the timeline here is nearing 40 years I made a timeline to assist me in my thoughts.
1982-07 – It is believed that this month is when Christine Blasey, then 15 or so, was assaulted by another Juvenile, then 17. Christine Blasey Ford, from 2012 and forward, believes the assaulter was Brett Kavanaugh and Mark Judge.
1992-1998 – Brian Merrick, who dated Christine Blasey during this time-frame. He had met her earlier in 1990. In a letter to the Senate Judiciary stated that she had never brought up anything regarding a sexual assault during the time he knew her. Additionally he stated Christine Blasey had helped her friend Monica McClean prepare for an FBI employment polygraph. If true this goes against her sworn statements before the Judicial Committe, in otherwords, she perjured herself.

1996-08 – Martha G. Kavanaugh, the mother of Brett Kavanaugh was a Maryland district judge in 1996. According to Montgomery County Circuit Court records, in August 1996 a company called UMLIC-Eight Corporation initiated foreclosure proceedings against the Christine Blasey’s parents. Judge Martha Kavanaugh ruled against the Blaseys. Christine Blasey would have been 29 at this time. However in December the Blaseys were able to refinance their home and on January 4th, 1997, Judge Martha Kavanaugh granted a motion bringing an end to the foreclosure proceedings. There has been discussion these incidents might have placed the Kavanaughs in a dark place in Christine’s mind during this 4-5 month period. How much weight to give this time period is unclear.
2008 – The Fords did an an update on their home. Two minor issues here. In her Sept 27 testimony she implied it was done around the 2012 therapy sessions. She stated “The first time is in 2012 with my husband in couples therapy with the quibbling over the remodel”. And she also stated, “I insisted on a second front door, an idea that he and others disagreed with and could not understand. In explaining why I wanted a second front door, I began to describe the assault in detail.”. The dates on her remodel appear to be off, in
The Blasey-Ford home in 2007. The Blasey-Ford home in 2011, with the door added. In 2012 she had couples therapy that caused her to have this door added in 2011?
2012-05 – During this year Christine Blasey and her husband undergo couples therapy. During these session Christine Blasey reported that Memory Recover techniques were employed to help her in her relation with her husband. From these therapy sessions Christine Blasey Ford has stated, from this point on, she believes the assaulter’s in the early 80’s were Brett Kavanaugh and Mark Judge.
2018-06-27 – Justice Kennedy announces his retirement.
2018-07-06 – Christine Blasey contacts both the Washington Post and Representative Anna Eshoo. Anna Eshoo is the House Representative for Christine Blasey district.
2018-07-09 – President Trump nominates Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court.
2018-07-30 – Christine Blasey writes a letter addressed to Senator Diane Fienstein. In it she describes an alleged sexual assault that occurred in the early 80’s. She names Brett Kavanaugh and Mark Judge. Senator Feinstein recommends the law firm where Debra Katz is a partner. The firm, Katz, Marshall & Banks, is a firm founded in 2006, once protected Bill Clinton from accuser Paula Jones.

2018-07-30 – Brett Kavanugh meets with several senators, including Senator Joe Manchin(D-W.VA), a crucial swing vote.
2018-08-07 – Christine Blasey Ford takes a polygraph test based on the advice of her lawyer, Debra Katz.
2018-08-20 – Senator Diane Feinstein has a private meeting with Brett Kavanaugh. During this meeting she “does not” inform him nor ask him about any of the allegations that she was privy to. In my opinion, this was the biggest mistake of this entire process and proceedings.
2018-08-22 – Democrats press for a delay in hearings based on a claim from longtime Trump lawyer Michael Cohen in court documents that Trump ordered payments to be made during the 2016 election to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal, two women who have said they had affairs with Trump in 2006. Republicans refuse the Democratic plea.
2018-09-(04-07) – Confirmation hearings are held. Democrats are worried about Roe v. Wade. Kavanaugh states he is a strong believer in judicial precedent.
2018-09-08 – Christine Blasey Ford’s social media accounts are deleted, on or around this date.
2018-09-13 – Senator Diane Feinstein refers Christine Blasey letter to the FBI.
2018-09-16 – Parts of Christine Blasey Ford’s story is reported in the Washington Post.
2018-09-18 – Mark Judge, via his lawyer Barbara Van Gelder, provides a statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee stating, “In fact, I have no memory of this alleged incident”.

2018-09-19 – Patrick Smythe, a person also named by Christine Blasey Ford denies being at the party. He was also interviewed by the FBI after the Sept-27th hearing.
2018-09-20~ – A few days before the Senate Hearing of Sept-27, Christine Blasey Ford updated her Stanford profile. Prior to the update her
profile job title describes her as being a “Psychologist”. A few days before the Senate hearing her title is changed to “Affiliate”. In the state of California it is illegal to call oneself a Psychologist unless you have certain training and pass a certification test.
2018-09-21 – Articles come out regarding a perceived notion that Christine Blasey Ford has a fear of flying and is afraid of confined spaces. Hence preventing her from flying to DC and testifying. Her attorneys stated they never stated this, but they did say she takes medication for flying. It is believed these statements came from the press interviewing her friends. The thought of her fear of flying appears to have started with this article. During the Sept-27th hearings, Ms Ford stated she flies to Delaware once a year in the Summer where her friend Monica McLean lives. She stated or confirmed that she also has flown to Hawaii, Costa Rica, South Pacific islands and French Polynesia.
2018-09-21 – Late in the day Chcuk Grassely tweets that the Senate has granted Christine Blasey five extensions already. People state, how long do her lawyers need to prep her for to tell the truth… Senator Grassely’s tweet reads; “@chuckGrassely Five times now we hv granted extension for Dr Ford to decide if she wants to proceed w her desire stated one wk ago that she wants to tell senate her story Dr Ford if u changed ur mind say so so we can move on I want to hear ur testimony. Come to us or we to u. 8:27 PM – 21 Sep 2018“.
2018-09-22 – Leland Keyser, 52, whom Ford described as her ‘best friend’ at Holton-Arms preparatory school in Bethesda, Maryland, released a statement. “Simply put, Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford,” said Howard Walsh, who said he has been “engaged in the limited capacity” of corresponding with the committee on behalf of Keyser. After the hearing Ms. Keyser told the FBI that she was pressured by Christine’s friend to revise her statements.
2018-09-23 – A second accuser, Debra Ramerez comes forward in an interview with The New Yorker. This was for an event that was alleged to have occurred while Kavanaugh was in college, and a young adult.
2018-09-26 – Michael Avenatti reveals the identity of a third woman, Julie Swetnick. Julie Swetnick is a few years older then Brett Kavanaugh and Mark Judge. She would have been an adult at the parties she describes, and the two boys, Brett and Mark, were still juveniles. This could be problematic for Ms. Swetnick in regards to possible charges of Contributing to the “Delinquency of a Minor(s)”. A Dennis Ketterer sent a signed sworn letter to the ‘Senate Judiciary Committee dated Oct-02, 2018.
2018-09-27 – Senate Judicial Committee meeting.
2018-09-28 – Ana Maria Archila and Maria Gallagher confront Senator Jeff Flake in an elevator. This is thought to be a key triggering event causing Senator Flake to place an additional demand for another FBI investigation. Anna and Maria both work for Popular Democracy. Anna immigrated to the US from Columbia when she was 8, and is a sexual abuse survivor from when she was 5. A few days later Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a rising star in the Democratic Party, running for a House seat, stated, Anna, is putting everything on the line and risking deportation. Most likely because of her immigration status.
2018-10-04 – The FBI background investigation requested by Democrats and Republican Senator Jeff Flake concludes and is made available to Senators within a closed room.
2018-10-06 – The Senate moves ahead and Confirms Brett Kavanaugh by a vote of 50-48.
2018-10-06 – Brett Kavanaugh is sworn in as the 114th Supreme Court Justice just hours after the Senate voted to confirm him.
The questions I have are:
- Why didn’t Christine Blasey Ford ever just walk in, or call, the FBI field office in San Francisco located at 450 Golden Gate Ave. Or, the satellite office in Palo Alto, the city in which she lives.
- Why did Christine Blasey Ford lawyers not inform her of the possibility of Senate coming to her and meeting in private rather then a public hearing. Her legal team may have thought they would have a better chance to all be seen in public maybe?
- On August 20th, why didn’t Senator Diane Feinstein not discuss these issues when she had their one on one meeting with Brett Kavanaugh ?
In closing I would hope that woman come forward earlier and quicker. Time does matter. Peoples memories shift a bit over time.
In this day and age where woman are saying they need more leadership-roles and equality. There still seems to be a bit of because she is a woman, she needs extra protection.
‘Press Releases from the Committee from the ‘Senate Judiciary Press Releases. Key pertinent dates are from September to October 5.
Senate Judiciary public disclosure timeline’Kavanagh/Timeline. Dates from September to October 5.”