Globalization News – 2020-10
Federal Judge rules that 21 Seattle businesses can sue the city for CHOP/CHAZ downtime.
201017 – Newsweek reported that a federal judge has okayed a lawsuit by 21 Seattle business against the city.
The claimants state that beginning June 8th, and ending July 1st, the city basically abandoned them, leaving them without police protection that they had paid for with their taxes.
NBA stated they would not push Black Lives Matter for the next season because of declining revenues
201007 – The PostMillenial reported that the 300 of 350 NBA players were in support of specific social causes with these messages visible during games.
NBA Commissioner Adam Silver has now reversed his position, saying that he is committing to league play going back to “normal” next year.
Regal closing over 500 theaters permanently
201005 – The Fresno Bee reported that Regal will close over 536 Regal cinemas in the US and 127 Cineworld and Picturehouse theaters in the U.K. will close Thursday, Oct. 8, the company said in a release Monday. As many as 45,000 employees are at risk of losing their jobs.
Many new movie releases are being held off for next year or are going directly to streaming.
French President, Macron has announced his intention to outlaw homeschooling in 2021
201004 – The reported the French government intends step up control of self-funded private and independent schools.
Private schools will be required to teach a common-core defined by the state. The announcement comes as part of Macron’s plan to combat “Islamic separatism” and to “free Islam in France from foreign influences.”
Turkey is undergoing a cruise ship dismantling boom after the pandemic scuttles travel
201003 – Reuters reported that Turkey’s ship dismantling industry is enjoying a boom as Cruise Ship operators recycle older cruise ships.
It is expected that newer ships, with better ventilation may replace these ships in the future.
Some Portland Police Officers are now Deputy US Marshals
201002 – The Willamette Week reported that about 50 Portland Police Officers have been deputized as Federal US Marshals. Mayor Ted Wheeler wants this action rescinded. US Attorney for Oregon Billy Williams refused, saying Portland protesters weren’t facing harsh enough consequences under Wheeler’s watch.
Portland has seen months of daily night time violence.
Navy SEALS change creed to become gender neutral
201001 – The NY Post reported that US Navy SEALS have changed their creed statement to become more gender-neutral, eliminating terms such as “Brotherhood”.
For example the first paragraph, Instead of “A common man with uncommon desire to succeed,” it now says: “Common citizens with uncommon desire to succeed.”
However it was noted no woman have yet completed the SEAL or SWCC qualification training pipelines.
California's new law mandates Reparations study
201001 – reported that California, under a new law signed by Gov Gavin Newsom, will be the first state to mandate a study of how it can make amends for its role in the oppression of black people.
The law does not limit reparations to Slavery, although requiring special consideration for descendants of slaves.
Globalization News – 2020-04
Approximately 100 Illegal Migrants Left Spain for the Safety of Morroco.
200405 – The Voice of Europe reported that approximately 100 migrants paid $5500 Euros to board a small raft to escape Spain for the safety of Morocco.
The journey ran into large waves and the group was forced to pay $29K to be rescued by a larger smuggler boat.
France's High Speed Trains are being converted to mobile ICU to treat Covid-19 cases
200405 – The Voice Of Europe reported that France’s high speed rail cars are being converted to mobile hospitals.
France’s nationwide mobilization of trains, helicopters, jets, and even a warship, deployed to relieve congested hospitals and shuffle hundreds of patients and medical personnel in and out of coronavirus hotspots.
Covid-19 Quarantine Violators - Kentucky Judge awards them Ankle Monitors
200403 – CNN reported thatJefferson Circuit Court Judge Angela Bisig has assigned violators to wear GPS ankle monitors to ensure they stay home.
US is unable to meet simplistic medical needs during Covid-19, Russia steps in to help
200401 – The US News reported that Russia delivered 60 tons of Ventilators, masks, respirators and other items to New York.
Over the years to save money, production of a numerous medical items have been moved offshore to save costs.
Globalization News – 2020-03
The EU offers migrants in Greece 2,000 Euros and a free flight to go home.
200314 – The Voice of Europe is reported the European Union is upping the incentive to go back to their original homeland from 370 euros up to 2,000 euros and a free flight back home. The goal is at least 5,000 migrants will return.
ABC News reported that the EU will take in 1,600 unaccompanied migrant children.
US/Europe Travel Ban a Boon for Private Jet Companies
200313 – The New York Post is reporting a boon for private jet operators as airlines cancel flights and only selected airports are available for Trans-Atlantic Flights.
On the day before the Travel Ban was to take effect one company sold 30 “go-nows”, the term for instant travel.
ISIS Newsletter offers tip on how Jihadists can avoid getting Corona Virus
200313 – The New York Post reported that the latest issue of the ISIS Newsletter offers tips to avoid getting the Corona Virus.
A religious decree also tells them to “put your faith in God and seek refuge from him” – adding that “illnesses do not strike by themselves but by the command and decree of God.”
The EU agrees to give Turkey another 500 Million Euros for the 3.6 million refugees residing there.
200308 – The Voice Of Europe reported the European Union will give Turnkey another 500 million euros to help with the costs of 3.6 million refugees. This works out to about 140 euro’s apiece.
In 2016 the EU promised Turkey, 6 Billion Euro to take care of the refugees. On Feb 28, 2020, Recip Erdogan, because of the new Idlib refugees, threatened to open the doors for 72 hours effectively flooding Europe. “Give us logistical support and we can go build housing at 30 km (20 miles) depth in northern Syria. This way, we can provide them with humanitarian living conditions.”
Greece is also receiving an additional 700 million euros for their part the China Daily reported.
Thousands march in Spain on women's day despite coronavirus fears
200308 – Reuters reported that feminists in Madrid, Spain, to denounce gender violence. Many events have been cancelled in Spain to minimize the possibility of Covid-19 spreading. Health Emergency Coordinator Fernando Simon, the day before, Saturday, stated the Health Ministry did not consider the marches a risk.
In 2016, five men were jailed for sexual abuse for gang-raping a young woman at the Pamplona bull-running festival. From this event Spain’s woman’s rights movement grew in strength and momentum.
Responding to discontent with Spain’s sexual violence laws, the leftwing government has approved a bill to qualify all non-consensual sex as rape. Previously a perpetrator had to have used physical violence or intimidation for an assault to be classified as rape.
You Tube Socialist makes money slamming the Rich, but lives in Luxury
200307 – The New York Post reported that a prominent You Tube socialist, Carlos Maza, who makes part of his living accepting small donations from fellow budding Socialism’ites, lives in a couple of mansions.
All are owned thru LLC’s, one purchased 2017-Nov, for $7.1M, is a nice condo in the Upper West Wide.
The reporter who broke the story, a Jon Levine, had his twitter account suspended for a time because of the story.
Carlos Maza has recently criticized Jame Carville for living in his $4M mansion.
I guess there is good money in preaching to the younger voters on the virtues of Socialism.
California Pot Farmers Flocking to the Bible Belt for Low Taxes

200307 – AP News reported that California Pot farmers are leaving the state to farm in other less taxing states.
California legalized recreational pot use a few years back. But high taxes and established supply lines have kept a number of consumers away from legal, but highly taxed California state government approved sales.
Media Leaders New York Times and MSNBC fail in basic arithmetic?
200306 – The Post Millennial reported that NYT’s Mara Gay was reporting on a tweet to MSNBC’s Brian Williams, from Mekita Rivas. Rivas tweeted “Bloomberg spent $500 million on ads. The U.S. population is 327 million. He could have given each American $1 million and still have money left over. I feel like a $1 million check would be life-changing for most people.
The real math? If Bloomberg took $500M, and divided it among 327 million residents, would be about $1.53 apiece.
One would think Mara Gay would mock the tweet, but she sucked it up as gospel. And no need to talk about Brian Williams, unless it’s a war story, he’s not paying attention.
Does America need more H1B’s to do real work?
Justin Bieber's $35K cat, "Sushi" Found!
200306 – The San Jose Mercury News reported that Justin Bieber’s cat, which cost $35,000 was recently found.
Food Network celebrity, Sandra Lee, a chef, author, and longtime girlfriend of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, revealed on Instagram that she spotted the cat on her property, looking “thin, very emaciated but so sweet.”
Federal Agents raid dozens of homes in a crackdown on "Birth Tourism"
200305 – The Washington Times reported that ICE swarmed three dozen homes in southern California in an effort to crack down on Birth Tourism.
Birth Tourism involves charging pregnant woman thousands of dollars to stay in a quiet place until their children are born, as “American Citizens”. Three hots and a cot, plus transportation to doctor visits are provided. One the children are born, the case for Chain Migration is stronger.
The OCR reported that planning com
200303 – The Orange County Register reported that planning commisioners have voted to revike the permit of 28 room JR motel which has violated numerous codes, has no signs, and does not take reservations.
China Optimizes COVID19 Fight With Color Codes via Smartphones
200301 – The New York Times reported that Chinese users of the popular Smartphone App, “Alipay” not have a color coded symbol they can use to show authorities.
This enables authorities to determine if someone can be allowed entry. Green of course is ok. But red means a 2 week quarantine. Yellow means you should be at home, self quarantining.
Nike Shoe Supplier for 30 Years, Uses Imported Uighurs From Xinjiang
200301 – The Independent reported that about 8 million shoes are assembed at the Quigdao Tawkwang shoe factory every year. They make the Shox and Air Max model of Nike shoes.
Hundreds of workers, shipped in from western China in groups of 50 or so, toil in the factory.
China has been working to assimilate ethnic Uighurs into the Chinese culture.
New York City Set to Remove Iconic Payphones
200301 – ABC News reported that New York city is planning to remove all of the last remaining payphones from the city’s streets.
The personal Smart Phone has won! Keep it charged up and paid for.
Some of the payphones will be replaced with Link NYC internet kiosks which provide free internet and phone calls to the public.
Globalization News – 2020-02
February 2020 started out with the US Senate discussing the upcoming Impeachment Vote. Corona Virus Travel Bans were being assembled by various countries. It ended with stock markets correcting with lower valuations given the outlook for business. The US Legislative Branch, the House and Senate, with impeachment over for now, started to examine the Virus.
China says the US is trying to block its candidate in race to lead United Nations Intellectual Property Agency
200228 – Yahoo News reported that Bejing is accusing the US of trying to block it’s candidate, Wang Binyang, from leading the Intellectual Property organization at the United Nations. reported James Pooley, former deputy director-general at WIPO who managed the agency’s international patent division stated, “Why would you want to put the fox in charge of the hen house?”
The prospect of a Chinese leader at the organization has rattled some U.S. policymakers, who feel that WIPO’s current Australian leader has already been too accommodating to Chinese interests, setting up a Chinese branch office in Beijing in 2014, promoting China’s Belt and Road initiative, and proposing a plan to set up a patent arbitration office in Shanghai.
First Woman Marine To Lead a Howitzer Crew
200228 – The San Diego Union-Tribune reported that Julianna Yakovac is the first woman in the Marines to qualify and head a Howitzer crew.
Julianna credits her great unit and does not consider herself to be a trailblazer.
She stated, “I’m just happy to have the same opportunity everyone else has. It’s not any more of an accomplishment than my male counterparts.”
Controversy Over Transgenders Athlete's Push for Tokyo Olympics Try
200228 – The Australian News.Com reported that Laurel Hubbard, a transgender woman, wants to compete in the upcoming Tokyo Olympics.
Controversies have been swirling for years now as societies discuss whether to allow new style XY-Chromosome girls to compete against traditional XX-Chromosome girls.
The 42-year-old, who previously competed as Gavin Hubbard in men’s weightlifting competitions before transitioning seven years ago.
She competes in the 90KG category.
New Calif Bill Aims To Create Gender-neutral Aisles For Children
200221 – Politico.Com reported that Evan Low, a Calif Assemblyman from Campbell, CA has introduced CA-AB2826 that would ban separation of boys and girls toys in California retail stores.
The bill reads, “A retail department store shall maintain one, undivided area of its sales floor where, if it sells childcare articles, all childcare articles, regardless of whether a particular item has traditionally been marketed for either girls or for boys, shall be displayed”.
No mention was made of whether online retailers such as Amazon would need to display GI Joe’s when a customer asked for a Malibu Barbie.
Calif legislators have veered away from Homelessness, COVID19, and other public concerns.
In the Next 5 Years, Microsoft to invest $1.1B in Mexico
200220-Reuters reported that Microsoft will invest $1.1B in Mexico over the next five years. CEO Satya Nadella states the investment is “focused on expanding access to digital technology for people and organizations across the country.”
Lopez Obrador the Mexican President stated this shows Mexico uis an attractrive investment destination, touting a strong local currency.
Russian Produced Airliner, Sukhoi Superjet 100 Finds Only One Buyer, "Aeroflot Airlines"
200219 – Reuters reported that Russia’s Sukhoi Super Jet 100 has found only one airline willing to purchase the plane.
Mexco’s Interjet it plan’s to sell it’s 22 planes and Irish CityJet’s stopped operating it’s seven Superjets last year.
Egypt Constructing Wall to Separate Itself From Gaza
20218-The reported that Egypt is constructing a new wall between it and the Gaza Strip.
The wall stands 18 feet high and extends 15 feet underground to help prevent tunnels.
Construction has been coordinated with Hamas, the de-facto ruling party of Palestinian territory.
Startup provides Law Enforcement with Names matching Online Images
200218-The New York Times reported a new startup Clearview is working on collecting all online photos, billions, yes billions, to be able to train it’s facial recognition system.
Law enforcement could upload a photo, and get a name match.
So far Law Enforcement in 49 states, and the Feds, have used the App to solve a number of crimes.
Syrian Airliner forced to Russian Held Airbase as Assad Forces Fire At Israeli Jet
200207-The Daily Mail reported that a Syrian Chams Airline, Airbus A320 carrying 172 passengers was on approach, was forced to divert to Russian controlled Khmeimim airbase.
In 2016 the Obama administration had imposed sanctions on Cham Wings airline for transporting fighters and equipment.
Senator Chuck Schumer(D-NY) Released a Tweet critizing Trump Imposing Travel Restrictions Because of the Corona Virus
200205 – Senator Chuck Schumer(D-NY), on the day the Senate voted to acquit President Trump accusing him of using this as an excuse continue his war on immigrants.
Senator Schumer later deleted, date unknown, this Tweet as the Corona Virus increased its worldwide spread.
Globalization News – 2020-01
January 2020 started off with Impeachment of President in the House and rising concerns of the Corona Virus. It ends with a vote coming up in the Senate.
Trump Administration Restricts Entry Into US From China
200131-The New York Times reported that the Trump administration will begin restricting flights from China because of the Corona Virus.
Flights will be funneled into just a few airports.Foreign Nationals who have been in China in the past 14 are restricted, unless they are citizens or permanent residents of the United States.
China Has Begun Using Drones Patrolling The Streets to Keep Citizens In Line
200131 – The Washington Examiner is reporting that the Chinese government is using drones, equipped with speakers to swoop down and instruct citizens that they should be wearing a face mask.
It is conceivable that drones in the future could be used for crowd control and other uses.
With the Genome of Corona Virus now available - DNA Sleuths trace it's Origins
200124 – Stat News reported that researchers have made progress on the deep dive of the virus known as 2019-nCoV.
Applying ‘ballpark’ rates of viral evolution it is estimated the Adam(or Eve) virus from which all others descended first appeared between Oct 30 – Nov 29, 2019.
Because of the lack of genome diversity researchers believe this virus to be a one time jump.
China Decodes the Corona Virus Sequence and makes it available for Research

200113 – NCBI Insights reported that the complete Corona Virus complete genome from the Wuhan outbreak has been isolated and is available for researcher to download from GenBank.
A copy of the download is available HERE.
Globalization News – 2019-12
Mayor DeBlasio gives freed NYC inmates MetroCards, gifts cards, and other goodies.

191228-The New York Post reported Mayor DeBlasio, as the leader of a progressive city has decided to double down on kindness with his soft-on-crime initiatives. With a new law that removes bail costs for misdemeanors, many inmates are being freed.
Newly released inmates will get 2 $25 debit cards, free transit passes, shoes, coats, with plans to add prepaid, “burner” phones.
Some are even given free Mets tickets.
The items are given as an incentive to return to court as ordered, but this programs includes everyone released from Dept of Corrections custody.

CBC Cuts Trump's Cameo from Home Alone 2

191226-CBS News reported that President Trump’s cameo in the 1992 movie, Home Alone 2 was cut from the Canadian Broadcast Companies Xmas night broadcast.
CBC statement read, “As is often the case with features adapted for television, Home Alone 2 was edited to allow for commercial time within the format”. The edited version shown this was first cut in 2014, before Trump was President.
Although some might call this censorship to protect sensitive Canadians huddling in the cold.
New Way to Broadcast Your Politics, Buy Black!
191224-The New York Times reported on resurgence of Buy Black.
There are people, that buy green, buy woman-owned, buy American. Race, usually does not enter into the equation.
I always judge racism by taking what I see and placing it in a mirror, reversing it, and reviewing it. For instance the picture in this article, what if it said, White-Owned-Business? Would people would be shocked, outraged, &? Just something to think about.
China Surpasses the US in Wealth of Top 10%

191224-Yahoo, reporting on a US News and World Report story, reported that China now has 100 million members in the worlds top 10% wealthiest versus 99 million in the US.
China, in the past 40 years, has lifted 850 million people out of poverty.
China now has 4.4 million millionaires and growing.
Minnesota Muslim Women Awarded $120K after Hijab was removed for mugshot

191223-The Washington Examiner reported that Aida Shyef Al Kadi received $120K in a judgement against Ramsey County.
She initially refused to take off her clothing but later did after she was assured the photo’s would not be online.
She found them later online at a site which requires payment to take them down.
Take your Traffic Warrants seriously!
2019 Chinese Directive Calls for Phaseout of Foreign Tech Equipment (Dell, Microsoft?)

191209-CNBC reported that Red China’s Communist party has ordered all state offices to remove foreign hardware and software in 3 years.
Goals are 30% in 2020, 50% in 2021, and the remaining 20% in 2022.
This ruling effects companies like Microsoft, Dell, and HP who have sold to the Chinese government.
Samoa Measles Outbreak,kills 62
191204-The Guardian reported that as of this date, 62 people have been killed by a Measles outbreak. Families fly red flag on their houses if they need vaccinations as people stay off of the street.
84%, 54, of the deaths have been children 4 or younger.
China Suspends US Navy port visits to Hong Kong
191202-The Marine Times reported that China is formally suspending US Navy Port visits over a new law signed by President Trump this week.
The law signed on Nov 27 mandates sanctions on Chinese and Hong Kong officials who carry out human rights abuses. It also requires an annual review of favorable trade status that Washington grants Hong Kong.
China has rejected the last few requests but issued the statement making the policy official.
First Russian/China Border Road Bridge Complete!

191201-CNN, reporting on a Reuters story, reported that a bridge linking the Russian city of Blagoveshchensk with Heihe in China, is complete.
China and Russian cooperation has been growing as the US media and congress has grown weary of Russia.
China Introduces Mandatory Face Scans for Users

191201-France24 reported that Chinese citizens registering new phone numbers will now be required to provide a facial scan.
A Safari Park in Hangzhou now requires Facial Scans for entry.
Globalization News – 2019-11
Apple agrees to show Crimea as part of Russia on Apple Apps
191127-The South China Sea Morning Post reported that Apple agreed with Russia to show Crimea, annexed in 2014, as part of Russia on it’s apps.
Google does not identify Crimea as belonging to Ukraine or Russia, however, it uses Russian place names on it’s map.
Judge Shelley Joseph charged with Obstruction of Justice for arranging for a defendant to leave out a back door
191116-The New York Times reported that Judge Shelley Joseph is being charged with Obstruction of Justice for helping an undocumented immigrant escape detention. She refused a plea deal that allowed her to avoid prosecution.
Her conversation with the defendant was being recorded and she is heard telling the clerk to turn off the audio recorder. In the end the defendant is let out the back door. He is later arrested and awaiting a deportation hearing. He has previously been deported in 2003 and 2007.
Bed Bath and Beyond pulls Jack-O'-Laterns after complaints in Nyack, NY
191021 – The reported that Bed Bath and Beyond removed their Halloween display because the Jack-O’-Laterns upset some community members.
They were painted black with white mouths. Local NAACP Director Wilbur Aldridge says it shows an “extreme lack of sensitivity.”
Dior Apologizes to China for showing a map of China without Taiwan
191016 – Bloomberg reported a Chinese student challenged a Dior recruiter at a recruiting event in China.
Dior had shown a video that had a map of China that didn’t include Taiwan.
Dior apologized and stated that it respects the One China Principle.
Approximately 300 birds ram NASCAR Hall of Fame windows in Charlotte
191016 – The Charlotte Observer reported that in a scene reminiscent of the Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds, over 310 birds slammed into the NASCAR Hall of Fame.
Vietnam pulls the Movie Abominable from Theaters after disputed border shown
191014 – The Los Angeles Times reported that Vietnam pulled the movie Abominable from theaters as it showed a map of China with China’s Nine Dash Line.
Vietnam, and a number of other nations have disagreed with China on their nine dash line.
The film studio went out of their way to appeal to the Chinese movie market.
Apple is hiding Taiwan's flag emoji if you are Hong Long or Macau
191007 – TheVerge reported that when Apple released it new phone operating system in September, they added the ability to not show a Taiwan flag is the user is in Hong Kong or Macau.
If a message contains the icon, it will still display, but it won’t be show as an option to type in new messages.
Federal Customs Agents seized 1million pounds of Chinese pork infected with African Swine Fever
191003-AgWeb reported back in March that Customs agents in New Jersey intercepted contaminated pork. 50 shipping containers contained the pork in incorrectly marked packaging.
China has lost half their pig population to this disease this past year. If this disease were to make it into the US pig population similar death rates could occur.
Samsung Closes It's Last Smartphone Factory in China
201002 – The GMSArena reported that Samsung closed it’s last smartphone factory in China.
Previously the Huishou factory made 64 million phones in 2017. It’s China market share had shrunk to 1% as local cheaper phones took over the market.
190926-USA Today reported that Anti-Defamation League added the OK Hang Sign is one of the items being added to a growing database of items that should be restricted
The Chicago Tribune reported that an Oak Park River Forest High School recently decided to reprint it’s yearbook at a cost of $54K because some students were inadvertently displaying this newly evil symbol.
Attempt to Ban the "OK" hand sign underway has it is added to a growing list of hate symbols
190926-The Rolling Stone also reported that a “Bowl” haircut is now a documented symbol of Racism.
The Anti-Defamation League recently updated it’s website to give Globalists guidance on appearance, wording, and symbols to use or avoid.
What will Angela Merkel do?
San Francisco Board of Supervisors votes Unanimously to Brand the NRA, "A Terrorist Organization"
190903-Townhall reported that the San Francisco Board of Supervisors as passed a resolution declaring the National Rifle Association a “domestic terrorist organization” and urged the federal government to do the same.
An unanswered question is whether SF will discharge employees who are members of this “terrorist organization”.
Is AntiFa okay, but the NRA not?
What is the endgame here?
San Francisco and Oakland are the two cities in America that the United Nations states violates human rights.
Democratic Presidential Candidate states "the Left is Mean"
190903-The New Yorker reported about an interview with Marianne Williamson, a Democrat Presidential Candidate.
“I know this sounds naïve,” she complains, but “I didn’t think the left was so mean. I didn’t think the left lied like this.”
Her campaign focuses less on the battle of politics, but more on the battle of souls.
Australian Vegan suing her neighbor to stop their "smelly" barbecues

190902 – 9NEWS reported, Australia, that a Perth Australia Vegan resident has taken her neighbors all the way to the Australian Supreme Court in an effort to stop in from barbecuing in his backyard.
The Vegan Massage Therapist is also upset at cigarette smoke wafting into her yard, and the sound of children playing basketball.
The Supreme Court sided with the neighbors but Ms Carden vows to try again.
The Poorest 20% of Americans are richer then the average Canadian?
190901-The Washington Examiner reported on a 190826 article from that if America’s poorest 20% were a nation of their own, this 20% would still rank higher in the consumption of good and services then most nation averages.
The article appears to be written to counter a New York Times video which stated that the US has more in common with developing nations then we would like to think.
Unfortunately NYT’s opinion pieces seem to differ from what some of the poorer residents from these counties think given the desire for immigration.
Cathay Pacific employees who support Hong Kong Protesters cannot work Mainland China Routes
190827-The Economist reported that Hong Kong’s biggest Airline, Cathay Pacific was ordered by China’s aviation authority to disallow any crew supporting the protestors from flying mainland China routes.
Cathay said it would comply leaving it open to being termed “Pro-China”.
CBS reported that the CEO, Rupert Hogg is stepping down. Additionally, Rebecca Sy, head of the Cathay Dragon flight attendant’s association, her Facebook account included messages in favor of the protests.
Systems like PatronScan attempt to match China's Social Credit System (SCS) for Nightclub entry

190826-The Sacramento Bee reported on local nightclubs increased use of PatronScan application to screen patrons. The PatronScan database maintains a list of objectionable previously removed for inappropriate activity.
If a customer has a complaint, he or she can visit the kiosk, sift thru customer photos of the night, and tag that perpetrator. If the club staff desires, the perpetrator can then be banned from other establishment with ProScan. No need for lawyer and court time.
FastCompany reported that similar systems are in place for Uber and AirBnb. As Cities prosecute and less and less Silicon Valley is stepping in to provide a more secure environment.
The Palestinian Authority bans LGBT activities in the West Bank
190818-The Washington Examiner reported that the Palestinian Authority has banned LGBT activities in the West Bank. A group call Al-Quaws for Sexual & Gender Diversity planned to hold a gathering at the end of August in the city of Nablus.
Luay Zreikat, spokesperson for the Palestinian Authority Police, told the Jerusalem Post that activities from the organization are “harmful to the higher values and ideals of Palestinian society.” and that groups activities were completely “unrelated to religions and Palestinian traditions and customs, especially in the city of Nablus.”
Health Tourism on the Rise - US Doctor or Local?
190818-Kaiser Health News reported on woman from Mississippi, and her doctor from Milwaukee, whom she never had met before, met in Cancun for knee surgery. He was paid $2,700, three times what Medicare would reimburse him for.
Why, Hospital costs in the US are expensive.
She had no co-pays, travel costs were reimbursed, and got a $5K payment for her troubles, whoa!
Versace KowTows to China over T-Shirt mistake
190811-ABC reported that Versace, an Italian Fashion house, apologized today for selling T-shirts in China that provided incorrect country names for two Chinese Cities. Yang Mi, a brand ambassador quit Versace over the flap. The China Daily reported Yang’s statement:
“Versace is suspected of damaging China’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity, we as a company of the People’s Republic of China, and Yang being a citizen of the People’s Republic of China, we are deeply offended. The national sovereignty and territorial integrity is sacred and cannot be violated under any circumstances. It is the duty of all Chinese citizens to uphold the One-China principle and adamantly safeguard national unification,”
Putin and Gavin Newsom Bromance? Both Ban Opposition Candidates
190810-Upto 60,000 people gathered in the rain to protest to demand fair elections in Russia the BBC reported.
Socialist and Communists countries around the world have used the technique of barring candidacy to limit choice to what is considered, an appropriate candidate.
The US Constitution states, candidates must be 35 year old, born in America, be natural born, and have 14 years of residency.
California appears to be adding requirements. Expect a court challenge. Will Primaries still be legal after this?
Bill Maher, HBO talking head, wants a Recession
190809-The following video shows Bill Maher, host of a show on HBO, stating he wants a recession in the US in order to harm the economy and force Trump supporters away from Trump.
The trouble is that means millions out of work.
But more people with free time to be couch potato zombies, and of course, watch his show.
EU Poised to Put Warning Labels on Jewish-Made Products

190808-The FreeBeacon reported this legal decision by the EU, is reminiscent of the beginning of the Holocaust-era boycotts Jews. The decision was seen as a win for the Anti-Semitic Boycott, Divestment, & Sanctions movement (BDS).
The decision if implemented would be subject to US Anti-Boycott laws.
A number of the EU member nations have, over the years, exhibited growing anti-Semitic views.
Amazon, via it's contractors, employ children to meet American consumer needs
190808-The Guardian reported that hundreds of students have been employed to make Amazon’s Alexa.
One student stated, “I tried telling the manager of my line that I didn’t want to work overtime. But the manager notified my teacher and the teacher said if I didn’t work overtime, I could not intern at Foxconn and that would affect my graduation and scholarship applications at the school.
Amazon needs to meet product targets to satisfy the American consumer.They also made the standard statement they would not tolerate labor violations.
Iran appears to be jamming GPS signals causing tankers to stray into their waters, justifying a seizure
190808-Business Insider reported that ships near Iran have reported GPS Interference. Additionally jamming of radio communications is also occurring.
Iran has also spoofed AIS transponders on it’s vessel’s to make them appear, electronically, to be another vessel.
Delta's ban on Pit-Bulls as service or support animals is disallowed by the US DOT

190808-The Atlanta Journal Constitution reported the Dept of Transportation has stated it’s illegal to ban based on the breed of the animal.
Delta had instituted rules banning Pit-Bulls after a mauling by a 70 Ib dog. Pit Bulls are totally banned in the UK so England may be a safe trip.
People have stated they need “Emotional Support” animals but the animals sometimes lash out in a strange environment.
SenseTime, a Chinese company has a suite of "Smart-City" survelliance tools useful for law enforcement

190808-The Nikkei Asian Review reported about SenseTime’s growing influence in surveillance and recognition technology.
New York City to start "Congestion Pricing" of $12 per car to drive in Lower Manhattan, Trucks/$25
190808-The Environmental Defense Fund reported starting in 2021, drivers driving into Lower Manhattan will be asked to pay, “congestion pricing”, of $12/car, or $25/trucks.
The plan today is that a large part of this money would be used to repair New York’s aging subway system. The thought is too shift the cost burden of paying for the subway to richer drivers.
Putin and Xi Jinping Bromance may encounter turbulence in Central Asia

190806-The Nikkei Asian Review reported that as China & Russia compete in Central Asia, China has been opening military bases in Afghanistan. The US Military Times 1st reported this back in 2017. As the US has reduced from 130K troops to about 14K today.
China shares a 46 mile long border with Afghanistan that was once part of the original Silk Road. Long term Russia and China may have divergent interests in the region.
China Freezes Permits for Individual Travel to Taiwan
190805-The Nikkei Asian Review reported that China is freezing permits for individual travel to Taiwan.
Group travel is still considered to be okay by the mainland Chinese government.
Taiwan is only considered a separate country by 19 UN countries.
Taiwan’s Presidents recent trip to New York may have been part of the timing for this move.
Global Illuminati Fly 114+ Private Jets to Italy to discuss Climate Change while Europeans start a "Flight-Shame" movement.
190804-While France is getting ready to slap an ECO-TAX on flights departing from France, and a growing European flight-shame movement to take trains for travel within Europe. Global Elites have decided to fly 114 private planes to Palermo Italy airport to help save the planet.
Private jets have the highest greenhouse gas discharge per passenger/mile when compared to other modes of transport.
Democratic Party blesses CNN with Aug 6/7 Debate Exclusive, big ad $
190727-Variety and the Washington Examiner reported that CNN is seeking ad packages of $300K during the 2nd set of Democratic Debates.
The anticipated face off of Gloves Off Biden versus Kamala No Strings Attached has all the characteristics of a WWW bout.
The Democratic party only allowed MSNBC and Telemundo to air the first set. CNN expects to beat the audience participation of the first debates.
Apple requests tariff exemption after moving US production to China?
190723-Bloomberg reported that Apple is requesting a special tariff deal after moving production from the US to China. Bloomberg reported that Trump has promised relief if companies can show parts can only be obtained in China and aren’t strategically to Chinese industrial programs. The previous Mac Pro has been produced in Austin since 2013.
Chicago Chamber of Commerce party has children battling an ICE Pinata
190723-CBS(Chicago) reported that an east side chamber of commerce family event. The Los Brown Berets brought an ICE agent pinata and constructed a painted face of Donald Trump to throw bean bags at.
The event was meant to be fun but now is creating factions within the community.
South Korea fires warning shots at Russian and Chinese aircraft

190723-Reuters reported that two Russian Tu-95, and two Chinese H-6 bombers, on a joint Chinese/Russian mission violated South Korean airspace South Korea said it was the first time a foreign military plane had violated its airspace since the end of the 1950-53 Korean War.
South Korea is home to the last non-communist phone manufacturer, Samsung.
In 1983, the Soviet’s shot down a South Korean airline, killing 269 people, that strayed into Soviet Territory.
Only 34 Foreign films allowed into China per year, filmmakers keep scripts "pure" to appease government

190723-The South China Morning Post reported the 34 foreign film limit is quietly being raised. Over 40 were allowed in for 2017. But this number now includes other country films from US, India, South Korea, and France.
Hollywood has chosen profits and works hard to appease the Chinese government as the returns from the Chinese market are vast. Fortune reported that talks to raise Hollywood’s margin from 24% to 28% have been ongoing.
City of Berkeley Calif bans Gender Specific Language from Ordinances

190718-A Sacramento CBS new outlet reported the city of Berkeley will be revising all documents and ordinances to replace all instances of gendered pronouns, such as “he” and “she” with “they,” according to the ordinance.
The city manager said in a letter to the mayor and city council.
“Having a male-centric municipal code is inaccurate and not reflective of our reality,” Robinson said. “Women and non-binary individuals are just as entitled to accurate representation. Our laws are for everyone, and our municipal code should reflect that.”
World Health Emergency #5(Ebola?)

190717-AP News reported that the deadly Ebola outbreak in the Congo is now been declared an international health emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO) since it has now spread to a city, Goma, of 2M people. This is only the 5th such declaration in history. The first was Polio, many years ago.
The pastor who brought Ebola to Goma used several fake names to conceal his identity. WHO is busy try to track contacts who were on the bus and may have met with him.
The Guardian reported that geographical region expansion is now 500km.
Government Paid Medical Tuition!

190716-The Napa Valley Register reported the State Of California is paying off tuition bills for Doctors and Dentists if they agree to work in Calif for 5 years and that 30%of their caseloads be devoted to Medi-Cal patients.
In the article one dentist had his $300K tuition paid off, and, given Calif’s high tax rate, this is equivalent to $500K before tax income. Or, equivalently an extra $100K a year.
Calif recently offered free health care to illegal immigrants 26 and under. But many Calif medical students leave the state after graduation. Many more doctors are needed given the states population growth and sanctuary policies.
Swedes get chip implant for fast payments
190714-The New York Post reported that 4,000 Swedish citizens have had chips implanted enabling them to purchase items with just a swipe of their hands. The chip has even replaced keycards allowing access to appropriate buildings.
Sweden has a goal of removing cash and moving towards electronic payment which leaves a trail.
And the US Flag comes down

190712-The Denver Post reports that with Sundays deportations looming for migrants with deportation orders, anti-ICE protestors swarmed the Aurora, Colorado ICE Processing Center, passed the barrier and unlawfully replaced the American Flag with the Mexican colored Flag.
The plan was a peaceful protest, but then things changed. A number of protesters were disillusioned at turn of events. There were no arrests.

Feds say hackable video cams must go

190712-We’ve all seen movies where the good guys tap into somebody’s video surveillance cameras. Bloomberg reports the US government has a deadline of Aug 13th to remove all Chinese made surveillance cameras.
The base cameras are re-branded by Honeywell and others. The newer cameras contains clarity to enable external facial recognition algorithms to run providing a detailed flow of government employees.
Coast Guard rides Narco sub like a bull
190711-The video is of a Coast Guard crew, on small boats, running down a NARCO semi-submersible. The capture netted 17K pounds of cocaine, worth $232M. Drug running is getting more “James Bond” like.
Law Enforcement uses citizen video cam
190709 – DeKalb County in Georgia will allow residents with private license plate reader cameras to be accessed by the local law enforcement.
Amazon the new Sweat Shop?

Amazon workers plan a 6 hour strike on 7/15, an Amazon Prime Day. Critics say it benefits from Tax Breaks as cities change their tax rules to benefit them. Amazon uses a large number of temps and the production quotas to meet same day service has made the jobs unsafe. With the economy booming workers are becoming bolder in their demands. To show solidarity a number of white collar employees are flying in to support them. Are Amazon fulfillment centers the new sweatshops?
White Folks (double price?)
190707 – Early bird pricing for the AfroFuture Fest festival is $20 for white people, $10 for people of color. After that, both prices double
Local rapper “Tiny Jag” pulled out of the festival once learning of the pricing policy.
Housing for the Proletariat, the future?
190706 – offers cheaper living in selected large cities provided you are ready to tolerate a commune type experience with a changing population. With a booming population, driven by legal and illegal immigration, the scarcity of housing is driving prices higher. Especially in cities. The Urban Renewal of the past has morphed into today’s Gentrification. An advantage of Podshares is that you can get housing in a number of cities.
190706 – Podshares appear to be a great business model, given that millennial’s love for living in the city. It appears that 15-20 people living in a small flat, bunked submarine style, maybe the future. Everything is provided except for clothes, (maybe?). Cities have tight boundaries, as costs rise, you can expect competitors to this. In Japan this is called Capsule Living.
Congressional Migrant Coaching
- 190705- Rep. Veronica Escobar, who took over Beto O’Rourke’s El Paso, TX, district, and the local Catholic diocese have interviewed thousands of migrants in Juarez over the past few weeks who have been deported. Under the bilateral Migration Protection Protocols, or “Remain in Mexico” policy, anyone returned must be fluent in Spanish because they may have to reside in Mexico up to five years until a U.S. federal judge decides their asylum claim. Escobar has been accused by some in coaching these people of telling them to be mute, effectively, thus they can remain in the US.
Is Starbucks a (safe space?)
- 190705- Several Police officers were asked to leave a Starbucks in Tempe, AZ after one of the patrons did not feel safe in their presence.
Betsy Ross overtaken by 21st century thought
190701-Nike execs, following guidance received from Colin Kapernick, who stated the Betsy Ross flag promoted slavery, removed their new shoes from store shelves. the shoes used the circular star pattern popular in the late 1700’s. Nike, based in Oregon, has been accused of profiting from Racial Injustice as it seeks to define it’s marketing niche. The shoes were to retail at $120, are now going for $2500 resale.
Does the Dalai Lama need Re-Education?
190627-In a move to raise the ire of some, the Dalai Lama says European migrants should return to their original lands. He stated in a BBC interview, “A limited number is OK, but whole Europe eventually become Muslim country? Impossible. Or African country? Also impossible,”. The leaders of the EU have in the past welcomed migrants from the Middle East and Africa.
NBA owners no longer own the team?
190624-The Commission of the NBA, Adam Silver, stated the league has decided to no longer uses the term “Owner” to describe owners of a given NBA team. Racial sensitivity for the players was given as the reason. New terms are “governor” or “alternate governor”.
Democratic Party Cherry Picks NBC as the Fairest in the Land
190618-The South Carolina Democratic Party announced that for this weekends event, where the 21 Democratic Presidential candidates are expected to speak, it will only allow MSNBC to provide live coverage. CNN, C-Span, and of course, Fox, will not be allowed to provide live coverage.
California (Free Health Care) unless you are a citizen
190610-California became the first state to offer Illegal Aliens health insurance if they fall below incomes standards. For a family of 4, up to $150K/year qualifies. Ages 19-26 qualify. California budgeted $98M for an estimate 90K residents that might qualify. $1088/year cost per person. Calif will tax citizens who don’t have health care to help pay for this new plan.
Wash DC Lesbian March Discriminates
190609 – A Lesbian March in DC banned nationalistic symbols, including the Jewish Pride flag. Jewish lesbian groups stated the action was “anti-Semitic”. The organizers of the march stated they wanted to stand in support of Palestine.
Would this march be welcomed there though?
While Putin & Xi meet, Rooski and US Navy jostle

190607 – While Putin and Xi were meeting in Moscow, a Russian destroyer maneuvered close enough to the USS Chancellorsville (CG-62) forcing the US vessel to engage full reverse thrust to avoid a collision. The action occurred in the Philippine Sea to the East of the South China Sea. Russian ships have been a rarity in these waters but may become more common as Russian and Chinese ties strengthen
Putin finds a new "Bromance", Xi Jinging?

190606 – Vladimir Putin(Russia) and Xi Jinping(China) met to strengthen ties between their two countries. They agreed to work together more on trade, technology, and military sales. Russian has been pushed into China arms in part because of Americans growing distrust of Russia.
Twitter kowtows to China
Amnesty International violates Workers Rights
190602 – All of the top leaders of Amnesty International, a human rights organization, have offered to resign after an internal review uncovered a toxic work environment and culture, that included bullying. Early in March, the organization was also accused of violating US labor laws regarding right to organize and unpaid interns.
China requires broadcasters to play the Anthem
190520-China is now requiring radio and TV stations to play the National Anthem, “March of the Volunteers” at 7AM through the end of the year.
Germany may tax foreign funded mosques
190512-Germany is considering a “Mosque Tax” to replace or reduce Germany’s Islamic institutions dependence on foreign investment. For example, some 900 of the total 3,000 mosques are run and funded by the Turkish-Islamic Union of the Institute for Religion (DITIB), under the authority of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government with their Imams being paid by the Turkish state. Germany is home to 5 million Muslims, over 6% of the population. Some have stated the mosques should be self supporting and not require foreign funding or imported Imans.
Germany struggles with Muslim Polygamy
190510 – The Gates Institute reported that the German government has withdrawn proposed legislation that would have banned immigrants in polygamous marriages from obtaining German citizenship. Some migrants follow Sharia law where it is permitted to have up to 4 wives, they then collect social benefits using the collective family allowing for larger receipts as each wife, legally(under German Civil Law), is a single parent.
Word (Political Correctness Syntax Checker!)
190509-Microsoft plans to release a version of “Word” that will make your grammar “Politically Correct”. It will screen out offensive language.
Environmental Quandary?
190507-Death Valley, California appears to a promising site for Lithium mining. Environmentalist think the Panamint Valley is not the place for a lithium mine, but where then? The battle could be a fierce one. Lithium is expected to play an increasingly important role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from cars and trucks, and has been designated by the Trump administration as a mineral essential to the economic and national security of the United States.
US Steel Production coming back?
190503 – US Steel announces a $1.2B investment in it’s Mon Valley Steel Works. Steel has been on a 40 year decline. Waste heat from the plant will be used to produce electricity. Trump has imposed tariffs on some imported steel.
EU Weary of US Tech Giants
190503 – European Council President Donald Tusk said in Warsaw on May 3, 2019; stated “the world needs to be wary of the rise of tech giants such as Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon”. He compared their powers to those of countries such as China. He also stated he was worried about the EU’s children. The EU in the last year gave regulators the power to impose fines of up to 4% of global revenue for fines. The EU recently fine Google $1.7B for abusive advertising practices. Int 2018 and 2017 Google was fined $5B and $2.4B respectively. The EU has hit Apple with a back tax bill of $15B. The US government is also jumping in with a large fine of up to $5B against Facebook.
Globalization News – 2019-04
North Korea Joins Trade Initiative

190418 – China recently announced North Korea would be joining it’s Belt and Road initiative. Trade Embargo? Not!! Italy also signed on as the first G7 member. Being part of the initiative gives countries access to loans and Chinese exports. The goal is infrastructure driven growth versus consumer spending growth. The United States has been left out of the initiative.
Pelosi fights to protect Bay Area Tech Offshore Tax Havens

190417 – Nancy Pelosi(D-CA), Speaker of the House, speaking in Dublin, spoke out against border controls betwen the UK and Ireland. Nancy Pelosi is an ardent open border advocate. US corporations, such as Apple, maintain headquarters there for tax havem purposes. Other California tech companies from her district use the Double Irish with a Dutch Sandwich strategy, such as Pinterest, Airbnb, and Twitter, with primary/secondary offices in her district utilize Ireland’s Silicon Docks area for tax reduction purposes.
China prohibits the word-"Taiwan" for airlines
190425 – China sent a letter to 36 foreign airlines on 4/25 demanding changes in the way Hong Kong, Macau, and even Taiwan are referenced. China does not consider Taiwan a separate country. The letter stated the airlines must complete a “self-rectification” report once the issue is resolved. This has been an ongoing issue that even involves auto companies such as Audi.
China is changing Extradition Laws for Hong Kong

We first saw this story in the print edition of the Economist. The Extradition Laws for Hong Kong residents were basically changed to allow criminal trials to be conducted in mainland China, rather then in Hong Kong. Some have thought the mainland courts would be somewhat harsher then the traditional, British oriented Hong Kong courts.
Wikipedia has an interesting ongoing, updating article on this issue which is sure to cause demonstrations.
China's re-education camps for Muslim minority's could be phased out
190317 – Chinese re-education camps in Xinjiang will “gradually disappear“. Xinjiang, which shares a border with several countries including Pakistan and Afghanistan, has long suffered from violent unrest and Chinese have called the camps job-education camps to help these people assimilate properly into Chinese society.
EU and Arab League hold first ever talks
190225 – Angel Merkel and Theresa May in the Red Sea resort city of Sharm el-Sheikh, for a first ever two days of talks between the European Union and the Arab League. The leaders pledged on the 24th to boost cooperation in the fight against terrorism and to tackle unauthorized migration. Merkel also urged the Arab states to respect human rights.
Trump Blinks, on Tariffs for China
190224 – Donald Trump blinks, and lifts the Mar 1st deadline on which he planned to increase tariffs from 10% to 25% for Chinese exports.
EU countries find a way to funnel money to Iran
190201 – Britain, Germany, and France establish INSTEX, a trade mechanism, to enable them to bypass US sanctions on trade with Iran. US sanctions on Iran target Tehran’s trade in precious metals, block the sales of passenger jets and restrict Iran’s purchase of US dollars.
Xi Jinping states Taiwan be brought back
190102 – China’s leader Xi Jinping stated of Taiwan ‘ “China must and will be united, which is an inevitable requirement for the historical rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in the new era”. He also added: “We do not promise to renounce the use of force and reserve the option to use all necessary measures” to achieve this goal and prevent Taiwan independence.
France to give up it's UN Sec Council seat to EU?
181126 – Olaf Scholz, German Finance Minister, called on France to give up its permanent seat on the UN Security Council and turn it into a EU (European Union) seat. Germany was left out of a security council seat in 1945, most likely because of bad behavior in World War-2.
Hillary & Trump in alignment on Immigration?
Merkel wants the US to give up it's sovereignty?
181121 – German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, at a Konrad Adenauer Foundation event in Berlin: “Nation states must today be prepared to give up their sovereignty”. She also stated, “Ceding power to a superstate is a better form of patriotism.” For Germany this is the EU & UN, for America, the UN.
Nationalism vs Patriotism
181111 – French President Emmanuel Macron states – “Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism. Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism. By putting our own interests first, with no regard for others, we erase the very thing that a nation holds dearest, and the thing that keeps it alive: its moral values.” The distinction between patriotism and nationalism has a Goldilocks quality. It suggests that nationalists have too much devotion to their nation, while patriots have just the right amount.
EU punishes Hungary for 'bad' behavior
180912 – The EU votes to punish Hungary over ‘breaches’ of EU core values. More than two-thirds of MEPs backed the censure motion – the first such vote against a member state under EU rules. The issue has been Mr Orban’s government has taken a hardline stance against immigration. Most British Conservative MEPs supported the Hungarian government, arguing that the EU had intruded into purely national matters. Poland is also facing disciplinary proceedings.
Facebook starts a "Social Credit Score" for users
180821 – Facebook begins assigning a “Reputation Score” to all users, similar to China’s SCS (Social Credit Score). In 2018 the China’s SCS helped prevent, 17 million flights and 5.4 million high-speed rail trips to travelers with low scores.
Phillippines wins case against China, but?
160712 – The Philippines wins an international arbitration court case in the Hague. It ruled China has no legal basis for its historical claim to the South China Sea. China stated it would ignore the ruling. Brunei, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Taiwan are countries that have also been affected by China’s claim.
Britain votes to begin BREXIT
- Edit Column
160623 – Britain votes, with a 71.8% turnout, with a 51.8% majority vote, to leave the European Economic Union. The original target date for leaving was March 30, 2019. Britain has been in the EU since 1973. Their original application, in 1963, was vetoed by French President Charles de Gaulle. They had a referendum in 1975 to leave, but voted to stay in. In 1984 Margaret Thatcher re-negotiated UK payments to the EU from 20% of the total to 12%. Primary reasons given were immigration-no control over the border, economics-the EU has been a dysfunctional economic entity, and Sovereignty-the inability of the citizens to control what happens to their country.