MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace, on Tuesday, August 6, 201, made the statement that Trump is calling for ‘exterminating’ Latinos. For this extraordinary viewpoint, she is the Whiner of the Week for the 31st week in 2019. Did she get this story confused with the story about Elijah Cummings, a previous Whiner of the Week? Extermination of rodents were an issue there.
This short clip shows the part of the video where interviewing USA Today opinion columnist, Paul Reyes, and their dialogue led her to imply that Trump called for the Extermination of Latinos.
The media does not seem to understand the term, “fake news”.
A longer, 2:35 clip can be found on YouTube Here. She did issue a partial apology on Twitter that still held to her political views. The “Breaking News” headline while she is talking is somewhat interesting. Can you read it?