Debra Messing is this weeks, Whiner of the Week for her desire to create, or start a Hollywood blacklist of people who disagree with her politically similar to what the House Un-American Activities Committee did back in the 50’s with the Hollywood 10.
On The View, which is an 22 season Emmy award winning chatfest, in no way a right wing show, even Whoopi Goldberg spoke out against Debra Messing.
What was, or is, a Hollywood Blacklist?

If Debra Messing, or her side kick Eric McCormack have trouble understanding this issue. They could watch a movie about this subject,Trombo,
The first systematic Hollywood blacklist was instituted on November 25, 1947, the day after ten writers and directors were cited for contempt of Congress for refusing to testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC).
Actors, Screenwriters, and others could not find work if they appeared on this blacklist. Many lives were ruined, people lost their jobs, were fined, and some went to jail. Debra Messing and Eric McCormack have been living under the protection of Mayor DeBlasio for too long.
On July 25th, the New York Post reported that the Will and Grace Show will have air it’s final season in 2020. The shows creators stated there would be less “presidential” humor going forward. NBC pays about $2M per episode. So Debra and Eric will be looking for a gig next year. She might want to stop shaming people.
I want to be clear about my social media post from last week, which has been misinterpreted in a very upsetting way. I absolutely do not support blacklists or discrimination of any kind, as anyone who knows me would attest. I’d simply like to understand where Trump’s major donations are coming from, which is a matter of public record. I am holding myself responsible for making educated and informed decisions that I can morally and ethically stand by and to do that transparency is essential.
It is important to note that the McCarthy hearings were public record also. Blacklisting has been a Hollywood tactic for years. At least Debra and Eric are open about it.

One can add Debra Messing and Eric McCormack to the list of Maxine Waters and Stephanie Wilkinson, both firm believers in Blacklisting.
On a lighter note