Middle View – Not the Left, nor the Right, but in the middle, ideally with Common Sense and Fairness

Covid-19 – When did you believe?

Apr-4, 2020, updated Apr-8

200408-New York City and State have passed Spain and Italy in Per Capita Deaths.

Covid-19 originally started hitting the news in January of this year.  In a span of two months, the world has changed.   People continually in the news are relatively easy to monitor.   This article really attempts to examine a collection of people.

Each side blames the other, but really, everyone took a long time to, shall we say, “come to Jesus”.

It is easy to be high and mighty with the clarity of hindsight. 

In the 80’s and 90’s the Author worked at a Defense Contractor.  I was privy to a partial set of briefings also given at the Presidential level.   Albeit a few weeks later.  I remember always being bored each year when they went through the pandemic section.  It never seemed to register with me.  But then here we are in 2020, 103 years after the Spanish Flu in 1917, and we have one in our midst.

Lessons Learned - Going Forward

It’s relatively straight forward to see what needs to be going forward

Mainstream Media held out to the 1st Week of March

Most people appeared to be onboard by the 1st week in March.   The following video shows the major media outfits downplaying Covid-19 until around that time.

Jan-28th, Was Senator Tom Cotton Clairvoyant?

There were some early concerns in late January, but at that time Impeachment was front and center.   Nothing else could break thru the news.   Senator Tom Cotton, appears to have just about grasped the situation.

San Francisco Mayor London Breed

On February 25th, when most people were still thinking this was a problem, overthere, London Breed, Mayor of San Francisco, declares a state of emergency in the City of San Francisco. This allows more freedom in mobilization efforts.
London's 2nd tweet on Covid-19, Mar-2nd, at an opening celebration Social Distancing was not yet in vogue.
On March 5, San Francisco has its first two positive Covid-19.
200306 - London Breed's office releases guidelines, which basically are Social Distancing. But, alas, she expects them to be in place only two weeks. We now know better, but as a politician, if you came out at this point and stated thru the month of May, you might have riots.

New York Mayor Bill DeBlasio

The Mayor of New York, Bill DeBlasio was a late comer, but even he was pushing New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to close the state down.

200302 - DeBlasio announces the 1st person in NY to test positive.
200315-Although DeBlasio had closed a few schools earlier with active Covid-19 cases he resisted closing all schools until Mar-15th. Younger kids have a much better shot at Covid-19 then older adults. But unfortunately they can be vectors for the virus also.
200316 - Mayor DeBlasio closes all bars and restaurants.

On days leading up to March 20, DeBlasio continued to press Governor Andrew Cuomo to further tighten restrictions movement with a Shelter-In-Place order, reported by Bloomberg Law.

Cuomo resisted but, finally on March 20, implemented on.

200320 - Days after May Bill DeBlasio first pleaded with him to give a statewide Shelter In place, Cuomo finally relented and issued an order that appeared to be what DeBlasio wanted.

New York Senator Chuck Schumer

An analysis of Senator Schumer’s tweets for Covid-19 statements is tainted by the fact.

Schumer appears to kick in on the Covid-19 fight strongly on Feb-24, stating the president has no plans or urgency.   He accused Trump of trying to steal Ebola money to pay for it, and states $1.25B is not enough.

An analysis of Senator Schumer's Covid-19 tweets is tainted by the fact that his team made a sweep thru his twitter history to clear Tweets that might make him look bad. Here is what his response is to President Trump's Jan-31 Chinese travel ban. This is one of the Tweets Schumer's team deleted for some reason.
Feb 24, Schumer criticizes Trump's buget proposal citing more CDC funding required. Schumer is becoming more aware.
Mar 1st, a parade to celebrate the coming of St Patricks day. Not yet a fan of social distancing.
Mar 8th-Schumer is aware testing is going to be an issue. He is locked in.

Andrew Cuomo

Donald Trump initially walked into this pandemic with a good first swing, but then maybe because of larger events going on at the time, momentum was lost.  On Jan-31, the New York Times reported on this ban.   But it was a ban on Foreign Nationals who had been in China in the last 14 days.


In the Jan-31 time frame when the first tenuous ban was put in place. Democrats were basically kittens drunk on catnip. Impeachment was in full force and the comments on the Travel Band were related to how racist and xenophobic Trump was being.

Hillary Clinton - what the?

Hillary Clinton?  You ask why she is here?  Well as I was poking thru Twitter, her rants and raves inspired me to look back at when she got Covid-19 religion.  This work prompted me to write this article.   Does she still matter?   Well, maybe a little?

Governor Andrew Cuomo


Donald Trump

Donald Trump initially walked into this pandemic with a good first swing, but then maybe because of larger events going on at the time, momentum was lost.  On Jan-31, the New York Times reported on this ban.   But it was a ban on Foreign Nationals who had been in China in the last 14 days.


In the Jan-31 time frame when the first tenuous ban was put in place. Democrats were basically kittens drunk on catnip. Impeachment was in full force and the comments on the Travel Band were related to how racist and xenophobic Trump was being.
200310-Donald Trump perceives his success, rightly or wrongly, on how the economy is going. On Mar 10 he tweets the best number in the history of the country, but, what comes next?
200326 - We built this chart and added the callouts. Since then the un-employment numbers have gone to 6 million. And will go higher.
200311 - I heard this on the radio on the 11th. NBA suspending the season. This was my, the author, I get it moment.
200313-Trump declares a National Emergency which gives him more flexibility under the law. Press conferences start becoming more common.

Dr. Tony Fauci

On January 21, 2020, Dr. Tony Fauci gave an interview to NewsMax.  In no way am I critical of Dr. Fauci.  At the time, WHO, (World Health Organization), was basically saying, don’t worry, it’s not transmissible.

And Dr. Fauci basically stated the US would be okay.

  We should all be so happy Dr. Fauci is there, keeping Trump in line.

Most Americans would like to believe the WHO organization is a pure and pristine organization.   Most would support its “Mission Statements”. 

However, if you dig in and read a bit, and begin to look at how it receives supplemental funding, one begins to wonder if this is the best organization for the American taxpayer to begin funding.

The Federalist recently had an interesting article on WHO’s recent changes.

200114 - The World Health Organization (WHO), released this tweet giving guidance to the worlds doctors. WHO is strongly influenced by China, but heavily funded via the US taxpayer. As of 4/5/20, WHO tweets prior to Mar-13, are no longer available.


Each person comes into this pandemic with a different perspective.  People in New York City have a different view of what is happening, then say someone in Nebraska.

But going forward, even if the Covid-19 virus does not mutate and a vaccine is found.  I believe Influenza deaths will be lessened over the coming years because of the hygiene practices being put in place today.