Middle View – Not the Left, nor the Right, but in the middle, ideally with Common Sense and Fairness

Elizabeth Warren, Senator from Massachusetts
Elizabeth Warren, Senator from Massachusetts

Elizabeth Warren – Of all the candidates out there, Ms. Warren has gone out of her way to at least explain and discuss her policy idea’s. She might be the
complete opposite of Beto O’Rourke in this area. Whatever you think of
her idea’s, at least you know what they are. All the other candidates
expect you to vote for them, with no clue on their thinking. It’s hard
to figure how they think and feel just by a friendly talking head on TV
asking simple questions. Elizabeth Warren, and a few others, at least
have policy statements.

A 1997 Fordham Law Review piece described Ms Warren as Harvard Law School’s “first woman of color”.  Ms Warren described herself as a minority on a law professors’ listing for several years, ending in 1995.  Much has been said about Ms Warren appearances of attempting Cultural Appropriation of her perceived Native American status.  Something she has touted in the past, until the results of a DNA test revealed she really is as pasty-white as she looks.


  • 190716-Warren released a plan to close the wage gap for woman of color.  New rules would be enacted that realign company that have federal contracts.
  • 190424 – Elizabeth Warren announced her plan to cancel Student Debt. Wipe out debt up to $50K for 42 million people, eliminate tuition at public colleges. Assist historically black colleges. The estimated cost is $1.25T over 10 years.
  • 190222 – Elizabeth Warren announced her plan to provide Universal free Child Care. Estimates say this would cost $1.7B over 10 years with 12 million children receiving care. About 1.5% of the cost of her Student Debt payoff plan.
  • Medicare for all
  • Decriminalize Marijuana
  • Ban Lobbying by former members of Congress
  • An Ultra millionaire’s tax where net worth’s greater than $50M, pay and 2% additional tax, and greater than $1B, pay an additional 3% tax.

190708-A group of students from the IFNOTNOW organization approach Ms Warren and ask about supporting their move to end Israels occupation of Palestinians. She says okay, but did she mean it?

Warren On Private Jets

Democrats candidates have been largely supportive of doing something about climate change, and rightly so.  And a number of them have come out against Private Jets.  But, they have all found private jets to be a convenient, albeit, somewhat expensive, but very flexible form of transportation.  The video that follows is interesting that Elizabeth Warren knows this and is trying to hide from a camera as she has come out against this form of transportation.   Kinda cute how she handles it. But, it’s okay for her?

We snagged this comic to place in the Pete Buttigieg section, but alas on March 1st, 2020, he bowed out of the Presidential Race, it also would fit for Elizabeth Warren.

Warren on College Funding

A number of the Democratic candidates have stated free college education is a right.  Elizabeth Warren, as a previously well-paid professor agrees.  The video describes the feeling of a number of American citizens.   American families have traditionally scrimped and saved to put their children through college.

There are cheaper avenues also, a 2-year community college, with a subsequent transfer to a public in-state university is the cheapest way to go.  

For a deeper understanding of this issue please read our article, “Free College For All, Well Most“.

When Elizabeth Warren was teaching at Harvard Law her salary was quite high. Much higher then your standard college professor. Can America afford to give every child a college education unless there are cost controls?

On a Lighter Note

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