Middle View – Not the Left, nor the Right, but in the middle, ideally with Common Sense and Fairness

  • updated 2020-03-08;

Bernie Sanders – Bernie Sanders first ran for president in 2016.  However, Hilliary Clinton working within the Democrat Party’s power structure was able to out snuff and silence his campaign, winning the 2016 Democratic nomination.   He is popular among nanny state millennial’s for the amount of services he would like the Federal and State governments to supply.   He describes himself as a Democratic Socialist. He has basically calibrated the Democratic ticket bar. Other Democrats may decide to go left, or right, around him.

  • A review of his website, (berniesanders.com/issues), on 22-mar-19, requires registering an email address.  So, I didn’t find any policy descriptions there.  The website, (feelthebern.org) gives a good rundown on his thoughts.  You can also download flyers there.
  • Wants Medicare for All.  A good goal, but expensive.  Medicare presently is for people over 65.  Because older folks have more ailments, and more medical care, MediCare providers are required to accept lower levels of reimbursement than from private insurance carriers.  Hence, Medicare recipients are subsidized by both the Federal Government, and private insurance payers. So if you give MediCare to everyone, then costs will rise.
  • A review of his website, (berniesanders.com/issues), on 22-mar-19, requires registering an email address.  So, I didn’t find any policy descriptions there.  The website, (feelthebern.org) gives a good rundown on his thoughts.  You can also download flyers there.
  • Wants Medicare for All.  A good goal, but expensive.  Medicare presently is for people over 65.  Because older folks have more ailments, and more medical care, MediCare providers are required to accept lower levels of reimbursement than from private insurance carriers.  Hence, Medicare recipients are subsidized by both the Federal Government, and private insurance payers. So if you give MediCare to everyone, then costs will rise.

VERDICT: His views on everything are well known.  He is the/a feel good candidate.  But the Presidency is also about the dealing internationally, he does not have a lot policy thoughts in this area, automobile.

At times Bernie appears to be giving up again, he gave up in 2012, pushed farther in 2016, then gave up to the DNC manipulating, now in 2020, will he repeat his pattern?   Basically he has used the election as a time for getting on his soapbox.

In the video he accuses Biden, of supporting NAFTA back in the day.  Bernie and Trump’s views in this area are similar.

Bernie's Honeymoon in the USSR in 1988 and on a later Trip as a Senator

Much as been said of Trump’s Russian connections.  Trump does have hotels in Russia, and in other parts of the world.  Bernie however honeymooned there in 1988.    Not where most American’s would have gone for their honeymoon’s during the cold war.  Bernie has stated this trip after their wedding was not a honeymoon.  But another trip, 1 year later to St. Lucia was really their honeymoon.

And as a mayor of Burlington, Vermont, in 1981, Bernie had high praises for the Soviet Union.


Bernie's Thoughts on Capitalism and Cuba

Bernie appears to have some adulation for countries like Russia and Cuba.

Since the 60’s we have boats arriving occasionally of people fleeing the Castro regime.  But Bernie Sanders has been un-apologetic in his praise.  He has talked of their literacy program, reaching 100%.  100% is tough to reach when you realize that 2 or 3 out of the 100 may have an IQ insufficient to read.  But statistics never lie, unless they are reported by a Communist government.

Bernie's Thoughts Human Relationships

LNot much is know about Bernie until he was about 40 years old and started to run in politics.  He doesn’t talk much about it and as he is today, a rising star, more will come out in the future.

But one item was he wrote an article on shall we say relationships.  It appears to the right/below of this text.

The reference to one my favorite movies, Blazing Saddles probably does not belong here, but, you get the idea.

This article on human relationships between men and women was written by Bernie Sanders when he was 32 years.

On a Lighter Note

Bernie Sanders has been mostly steadfast against millionaires and the even more evil billionaires. However, after writin his book, he became a millionaire. So it's interesting to see his tweets change after this milestone is reached in his life.
This comic is probably zealous. It should probably only give one of the four runs to the other team. An ESPN watcher will probably understand this.
Bernie has been Vermont Senator since 2007, and Vermonts "at-large" House Representative since 1991. Before that a Mayor. He has not done as well financially as other Democratic politicians. But he is not a Democrat, he is an independent. His book is where he has made the most of his money: Our Revolution: A Future to Believe In.
Bernie Sanders posing with House Representative Rashida Tlaib. Tlaib was our Whiner of the Week in 33 in 2019. The grocery shelves are reminiscent of Soviet food stores in the 70's. Not a backdrop I would go for if I was known as a fan of 70's Soviet style socialism.
Both Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have strong idea's on how things should be. To enact them they would need both houses of congress. And in the following two years, there might be a pendulum shift.
Bernie Sanders gets higher poll ratings from younger voters, who are just starting out in life. Bernie has what I call the Peter Pan syndrome, not wanting to grow up and get on with it. This appeals to younger voters.
Bernie Sanders is an avowed Socialist. A simple cartoon here.
Both Bernie and Warren would like to increase the Federal Governments responsibility in taking care of all people who happen to be within our borders. (Branco)
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